List of Dr. Matthew Sharps current and past works

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Sharps, M.J. (2024). The Forensic View: Investigative Psychology, Law Enforcement, Space Aliens, Exploration, and the Nature of Madness. Amazon.
Sharps, M.J. (2023). Essentials of Eyewitness Memory. Pathways to Research in Psychology, October, 1- 8.
Sharps, M.J. (2024, April 1).  Are there really psychic detectives?  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2024, March 4).  Killing Socrates.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J., Villarama, K., Rios, F., & Price-Sharps, J.L.  (2024). A skeptical approach to guilt and innocence in the judicial realm.  Skeptical Inquirer, 48 (January-February), 45-48.
Sharps, M.J. (2024, February 5).  Blaming the victim: the psychology of innocence and guilt.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2024, January 11).  Forensics and the forensic view.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2024, January 4.)  Perception, thought, and emotion.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, November 30).  Memory, the Mandela effect, and pterodactyls of the mind.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J., McCaw, H., Hill, C., & Price-Sharps, J.L. (2023).  The context of officer involved shootings: Violent history and language use in public judgments of an OIS.  Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 38, 639-642.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, October 17).  Eyewitness errors: How mental processes change our memories.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, August 21).  Evidence matters: Marcos’ Menagerie and Source Confusion.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, July 29).  Evidence matters: The case of the “Lying Monk.”  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, July 3).  What forensic psychology can learn from alien abductions.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023).  Forensic cognitive science and the UFO phenomenon. In Ballester-Olmos, V.J., & Heiden, R.W. (Eds.). The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony (pgs. 368-384). Torino: UPIAR.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, June 5).  Psychology and the flying saucer people.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, May 8).  Are people actually any good at estimating height? The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J.(2023).  On the question of pilot expertise and UFO observation and identification (also published in German as Zur Frage der pilotenkompetenz und der UFO-beobachtung und -identifizierung).  Invited article published in the pan-European skeptical/science site UFO1Info  
Sharps, M.J. (2023, March 29),  First responder stress: Mental health at the extremes.   The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, March 6).  Why our heart rate spikes when we’re stressed. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023).  Außerhalb der forensischen Box: Augenzeugenpsychologie und Wissenschaft.  Invited translation published in in the pan-European skeptical/science site Ufo1Info.
Sharps, M.J. (2023).  Psychologie und die Flying Saucer People.  Invited translation published in the pan-European skeptical/science site Ufo1Info.
Sharps, M.J., McCaw, H., Hill, C., & Price-Sharps, J.L. (2023).  The context of officer involved shootings: Violent history and language use in public judgments of an OIS.  Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology: Online, May 2, 2023.
Sharps, M.J., Nagra, S.K., Paulsen, A., Moreno, J., Mortensen, S., Folmer, T., & Price-     Sharps, J.L. (2023).  Ecocognition: Observation and interpretation in the understanding of climate change.  Skeptical Inquirer 47 (1), 46-49.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, Feb. 13).  Protecting the innocent III: Lineups good and badThe Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Lyons, M., Carter, Z., McCaw, H., Jones, C., Botwin. M., Price-Sharps, J., & Sharps, M. (2023).  The context of officer-involved shootings: Suspect weapon factors in public judgment of an OIS.  Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology: Online, January 7, 2023.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, Jan. 16) Protecting the innocent II: The cognitive concept of guilt. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, Dec. 19).  Protecting the innocent I: Eyewitness identification.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2022).  Thinking under pressure: A guide for firefighters and the fire service.  Amazon.
Sharps, M.J. (2022).  Wie wir einen Augenzeugenbreicht uber ein UFO am besten hinterfragen konnen.  Invited translation published in in the pan-European skeptical/science site Ufo1Info.
Sharps, M.J. (2022, May 6).  How we process under pressure: The loud sounds of silence. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2022, April 8).  How we process under pressure: Thinking to lose.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2022).  Bigfoot und Marsmenschen und Geister, Oh Weh! Translation published in in the pan-European skeptical/science site Ufo1Info.
Sharps, M.J. (2022, March 11).  How we process under pressure: On not being a superhero.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2022).  Songs of the spadefoot toad: Myth, history, and biocognitive perspectives in mental health. The Next Truth, 4 (4), 9-34.
Sharps, M.J. (2022, February 11).  How we process under pressure:  Tunnel vision.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2022, January 14).  How we process under pressure: Stress and automatic behavior.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J., Nagra, S.K., Paulsen, A., Mortensen, S., Moreno, J., & Price-Sharps, J.L. (2022).  Martian dreams: Unusual experiences and perspectives on space and aliens.  Skeptical Inquirer, 46 (2), 50-54. 
Sharps, M.J. (2022).  Processing under pressure:  Stress, memory, and decision-making in law enforcement. (3rd ed.). Park City, Utah: Blue 360 Media.
Sharps, M.J. (2022).  Eyewitness memory and forensic cognitive science.  In Bartol , C.R., & Bartol, A.M., Introduction to forensic psychology (6th ed., 60-61).  Los Angeles: Sage.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, December 17).  How we process under pressure: Stress, perception, and cognition.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, November 19).  Outside the forensic box: Science, language, and thought.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, October 22).  Outside the forensic box: Eyewitness psychology and science.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021).  Cognitive dissonance, Quetzalcoatl, and the flying saucer people.  The Next Truth,, 46-51.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, September 24).  Processing under pressure 3.0  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021).  Science, perception, and belief: The strange case of Percival Lowell.  The Next Truth, 3(9), 26-30. 
Sharps, M.J. (2021, August 27).  How we might best challenge an eyewitness account of a UFO. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, July 30).  Memory and the aging eyewitness.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, July 8).  Aging eyewitnesses, perception, and criminal justice.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, June 11).  Adolescents, dangerous behavior, and the criminal justice system.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, May 14).  Adolescents and the criminal justice system.  The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021).  Understanding the child eyewitness III.  Psychology Today, The Forensic View.
Sharps, M.J. (2021).  Understanding the child eyewitness II.  Invited Blog, Psychology Today, The Forensic View.  Also selected by Psychology Today for Essential Topics and Essential Home postings.  (Reprinted in The Next Truth magazine, May, 2021.)
Sharps, M.J. (2021).  Understanding the child eyewitness. Invited Blog, Psychology Today, The Forensic View.  Also selected by Psychology Today for Essential Topics and Essential Home postings.
Sharps, M.J. (2021).  Finding the bad guy’s car. Invited Blog, Psychology Today, The Forensic View,     
Sharps, M.J.  (2020).  Murderer’s ride. Invited Blog, Psychology Today, The Forensic View.
Sharps, M.J., Nagra, S., Hurd, S., & Humphrey, A.  (2020).  Magic in the house of rain: Cognitive bases of UFO ‘observations’ in the Southwest desert.  Skeptical Inquirer, 44, 46-49. 
Sharps, M.J. (2020).  Cults and cognition: Programming the true believer I-III (three separate posts.  Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View. Also selected by Psychology Today for Essential Topics and Essential Home postings.
Sharps, M.J. (2020).  Eyewitness imagination: How our minds change our memories.  Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View., Also selected by Psychology Today for Essential Topics and Essential Home postings.
Sharps, M.J. (2020).  Eyewitness testimony, eyewitness mistakes: What we get wrong. Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View.
Sharps, M.J. (2020).  Into the shadows: The psychology of the undercover world.
            Psychology Today Invited Blog The Forensic View. Also selected by Psychology Today for Essential Topics and Essential Home postings.
Sharps, M.J. (2020).  PTSD: Is it real?  Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View.
Sharps, M.J. (2020).  Eyewitness cognition at Little Bighorn: A study in stress.  Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View.
Sharps, M.J. (2020).  Bigfoot and Martians and Ghosts, Oh My!  Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View (Reprinted in The Next Truth magazine, December, 2020). 
Sharps, M.J. (2020).  Eyewitness to the aliens: forensic psychology on Mars.  Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View.  Also selected by Psychology Today for Essential Topics and Essential Home postings. 
Sharps, M.J. (2020).  Into the red zone and over the edge: Your brain, your mind, and violent stress.  Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View.
Sharps, M.J. (2020).  You may question the witness- and you probably should. Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View, Also selected by Psychology Today for Essential Topics and Essential Home postings. 
Sharps, M.J. (2020).  The ancient world and the murderer’s eyes.  Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View, Also selected by Psychology Today for Essential Topics and Essential Home postings. 
Sharps, M.J., Hurd, S., Hoshiko, B., Wilson, E., Flemming, M.A., Nagra, S., & Garcia,     M.  (2019).  Percival Lowell and the canals of Mars II: How to see things that    aren’t there.  Skeptical Inquirer, 43, 48-51. 
Sharps, M.J., & Herrera, M.R. (2019).  The eyes really do have it: Attribution of character in the eyes of killers.  Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 34, 105-108.  (2018, Online First, 11896-018-9271-3.)
Sharps, M.J., Torkelson, J.F., Hulett, D.L., Kuhn, M.L., & Sevillano, C.N. (2019).  Police profanity and public judgments of guilt and effectiveness in officer-involved shootings.  Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 34, 87-90 (2018, Online First,
Liao, S.W., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Sharps, M.J. (2018).  Shoot/no-shoot decisions: Dissociation, judgment, and assailant/weapon characteristics. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 33, 209-214.
Sharps, M.J., Herrera, M.R., Hulett, D.L., & Briley, A. (2018).  Shoot/no-shoot decisions in the context of IED-detection training and eyewitness memory for persons.  Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 33, 327-331.
Sharps, M.J.  (2018).  Percival Lowell and the Canals of Mars.  Skeptical Inquirer, 42, May/June, 41-46. 
Kowalczyk, D., & Sharps, M.J. (2017).  Consequences of undercover operations in law enforcement: A review of challenges and best practices.  Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 32, 197-202.  DOI: 10.1007/s11896-016-9211-z.
Sharps, M.J. (2017).  Processing under pressure:  Stress, memory, and decision-making in law enforcement. (2nd ed.). Flushing, NY: Looseleaf Law.
Sharps, M.J. Liao, S.W., and Herrera, M.R. (2016).  Dissociation and paranormal beliefs: Toward a taxonomy of belief in the unreal.  Skeptical Inquirer, 40, May/June, 40-44.
Sharps, M.J., McRae, K., Partovi, M, Power, J., & Newton, A. (2016).  Eyewitness memory for firearms: Narrative accounts and specific questioning in the elucidation of accurate information.  Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 31, 288-294.  (DOI 10.1007/s11896-015-9184-3).
McRae, K., Sharps, M.J., & Kimura, N. (2015).  Error and accuracy in memory for firearms.  Forensic Examiner, 24, 1-6.
Herrera, M.R., Sharps, M.J., Swinney, H.R., & Lam, J. (2015).  Deadly force or not? Visual and cognitive interpretation of rifles and BB guns in crime-scene context.  Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 30, 254-260. (DOI 10.1007/s11896-014-9158-x).
Sharps, M.J., Liao, S.W., & Herrera, M.R. (2014).  Remembrance of apocalypse past: The psychology of true believers when nothing happens.  Skeptical Inquirer, 38, November/December, 54-58.
Sharps, M.J., Herrera, M.G., & Lodeesen, A.L. (2014).  SMOKE: Effective cognitive and field training for IED detection.  Inside Homeland Security, 2, 9 pgs., 2014/ihs_articles_5 pgs.  (Simultaneously published online in Forensic Examiner, 23, 7 pgs).
Sharps, M.J. (2014).  UFO’s and cognitive science: A case study.  Skeptical Inquirer, 38, May/June, 52-55.
Sharps, M.J. (2013).  Graphic representation of Gestalt/Feature Intensive Processing theory as applied to cognition under conditions of high stress.  Invited contribution to Lipshy, K.A., Crisis management leadership in the operating room (pg. 169).  San Diego: Creative Publishing.
McRae, K. Sharps, M.J., Power, J., & Newton, A. (2013).  Eyewitness memory for typical and atypical weapons in cognitive context.  Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 10, DOI: 10.1002/jip. 1410
Sharps, M.J., Herrera, M.R., & Price-Sharps, J.L. (2013).  Situationally equivocal eyewitness evidence and the violence of crimes.  Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 10, DOI: 10.1002/jip.1398
Sharps, M.J., Liao, S.W., & Herrera, M.R. (2013).  It’s the end of the world, and they don’t feel fine: The psychology of December 21, 2012.  Skeptical Inquirer, 37, January/February, 34-39.
Sharps, M.J. (2012).  The mental edge: Effective cognitive processing in law enforcement.  The Police Chief, 79, 100-105.
Sharps, M.J., Herrera, M.R, Dunn, L. & Alcala, E. (2012).  Repetition and Reconfiguration: Demand-Based Confabulation in Initial Eyewitness Memory.  Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 9, 149-160.
Sharps, M.J. (2012).  Eyewitness to the paranormal: The experimental psychology of the “unexplained.”  Skeptical Inquirer, 36, July/August, 39-43.
Sharps, M.J. (2010).  Processing under pressure:  Stress, memory, and decision in law enforcement.  Flushing, NY: Looseleaf Law.
Sharps, M.J., & Hess, A.B. (2010).  Ecocognition: Decision and understanding in environmental context.  ReVision, 31, 85-89.
Sharps, M.J., Newborg, E., Van Arsdall, S., DeRuiter, J., Hayward, B., & Alcantar, B. (2010).  Paranormal encounters as eyewitness phenomena: Psychological determinants of atypical perceptual interpretations.  Current Psychology, 29, 320-327.
Sharps, M.J., Newborg, E., Glaser, M., Hayward, B., & Scholl, M. (2010).  Finding IED’s before they find you: The SMOKE system of training for hazardous device detection.  Forensic Examiner, 19, 48-59.
Sharps, M.J., Janigian, J., Hess, A.B., & Hayward, B.  (2009). Eyewitness Memory in Context: Toward a Taxonomy of Eyewitness Error.  Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 24, 36-44.
Sharps, M.J., & Hess, A.B.  (2008).  To shoot or not to shoot: Response and interpretation of response to armed assailants.  Forensic Examiner,17, 53-64.
Sharps, M.J., Hess, A., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Teh, J.  (2008).  Heuristic and algorithmic processing in English, math, and science education.  Journal of Psychology, 142, 71-88.
Concannon, D., Fain, B., Fain, D, Honeycutt, A., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Sharps, M.J.  (2008).  Kidnapping.  Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Sharps, M.J., Hess, A.B., Casner, H., Ranes, B., & Jones, J.  (2007).  Eyewitness memory in context: Toward a systematic understanding of eyewitness evidence.  Forensic Examiner, 16, 20-27.
Sharps, M.J., Hess, A.B., & Ranes, B. (2007).  “Mindless” decision-making and environmental issues:  Gestalt/feature-intensive processing and contextual reasoning in environmental decisions.  Journal of Psychology, 141, 525-538.
Hart, J.L., O’Toole, S., Sharps, M.J., & Shaffer, T.W. (2007).  The risk and protective factors of violent juvenile offending.  Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 5, 367-384. 
Sharps, M.J., Matthews, J., & Asten, J.  (2006).  Cognition, Affect, and Beliefs in Paranormal Phenomena: Gestalt/Feature Intensive Processing Theory and Tendencies toward ADHD, Depression, and Dissociation.  Journal of Psychology, 140, 579-590.
Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., Day, S.S., Nunes, M.A., Villegas, A.B., & Mitchell, S.  (2005).  Cognition at risk: Gestalt/feature-intensive processing, attention deficit, and substance abuse.  Current Psychology, 23, 91-101.
Sharps, M.J., Villegas, A.B., & Matthews, J.  (2005).  Cognition at risk: Gestalt/feature-intensive processing and cigarette smoking in college students.  Current Psychology, 23. 102-112.
Villegas, A.B., Sharps, M.J., & Satterwaite, B., & Chisholm, S. (2005).  Eyewitness identification of vehicles.  Forensic Examiner, 14, 24-28. 
Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., Day, S.S., Villegas, A.B., & Nunes, M.A.  (2005).  Cognitive predisposition to substance abuse in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.  Addictive Behaviors, 30, 355-359.
Sharps, M.J., Martin, S.S., Nunes, M.A., Neff, A., & Woo, E.  (2004).  Relational and imageric recall in young and older adults under conditions of high task demand.  Current Psychology, 22, 379-393 .
Sharps, M.J., Barber, T.L., Stahl, H., & Villegas, A.B.  (2003).  Eyewitness memory for weapons.  Forensic Examiner, 12, 34-37.
Sharps, M.J.  (2003).  Aging, representation, and thought:  Gestalt and feature-intensive processing.  Routledge, an imprint of Taylor and Francis.
Woo, E., & Sharps, M.J.  (2003).  Cognitive aging and physical exercise.  Educational Gerontology, 29, 327-338.
Sharps, M.J., Villegas, A.B., Nunes, M.A., & Barber, T.L. (2002).  Memory for animal tracks: A possible cognitive artifact of human evolution.  Journal of Psychology, 136, 469-492.
Sharps. M.J., & Martin, S.S.  (2002).  “Mindless” decision making as a failure of contextual reasoning.  Journal of Psychology 136, 272-282. 
Ahlberg, S., & Sharps, M.J. (2002).  Bartlett revisited:  Reconfiguration of long-term memory in young and older adults.  Journal of Genetic Psychology, 163, 211-218.
Sharps, M.J., & Nunes, M.A.  (2002).  Gestalt and feature-intensive processing:  Toward a unified theory of human information processing.  Current Psychology, 21, 68-84.
Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Hanson, J.  (2001).  Body image preference in the United States and Thailand.  Journal of Psychology, 135, 518-526..
Sharps, M.J., & Wertheimer, M.  (2000).  Gestalt perspectives on cognitive science and experimental psychology.  Review of General Psychology, 4, 315-336.
Sharps, M.J. Foster, B.T., Martin, S.S., & Nunes, M.A.  (1999).  Spatial and relational frameworks for free recall in young and older adults.  Current Psychology 18, 241-253.
Sharps, M.J., Martin, S.S., Nunes, M.A., & Merrill, M.  (1999).  Relational frameworks for recall in young and older adults.  Current Psychology 18, 254-271.
Sharps, M.J., Price, J.L., & Hanson, J. (1998).  Attitudes of young adults toward older adults: Evidence from the United States and Thailand.  Educational Gerontology, 24, 655-660.
Sharps, M.J., & Pollitt, B.K. (1998).  Auditory imagery and the category superiority effect.  Journal of General Psychology, 125, 109-116.
Sharps, M.J., & Martin, S.S.  (1998).  Spatial memory in young and older adults.  Environmental support and contextual influences at encoding and retrieval.  Journal of Genetic Psychology, 159, 5-12 .
Sharps, M.J. (1997).  Age-related change in visual information processing:  Toward a unified theory of aging and visual memory.  Current Psychology 16, 284-307.
Sharps, M.J., & Antonelli, J.R. (1997).  Visual and semantic support for paired-associates recall in young and older adults.  Journal of Genetic Psychology, 158, 347-355.
Sharps, M.J.  (1997).  Category superiority effects in young and elderly adults.  Journal of Genetic Psychology, 158, 165-171.
Sharps, M.J., & Price-Sharps, J.L. (1996).  Visual memory support: An effective mnemonic device for older adults.  The Gerontologist, 36, 706-708, .
Sharps, M.J., Price, J.L., & Bence, V.M.  (1996).  Visual and auditory information as determinants of primacy effects.  Journal of General Psychology, 123, 123-136.
Sharps, M.J., Wilson-Leff, C.A., & Price, J.L. (1995).  Relational and item-specific information as determinants of category superiority effects.  Journal of General Psychology, 122, 271-285.
Sharps, M.J., Price, J.L., & Williams, J.  (1994).  Spatial cognition and gender:  Instructional influences on mental image rotation performance.  Psychology of Women Quarterly, 18, 413-425.
Sharps, M.J.  (1993).  Gestalt laws of perceptual and cognitive organization.  Magill’s Survey of Social Science: Psychology.  Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.
Sharps, M.J.  (1993).  Developmental theory.  Magill’s Survey of Social Science: Psychology.  Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.
Sharps, M.J., Welton, A., & Price, J.L. (1993).  Gender and task in the determination of spatial cognitive performance.  Psychology of Women Quarterly, 17, 71-83.
Sharps, M.J., & Tindall, M.H.  (1992).  Relational and item-specific information in the determination of “blocking effects.”  Memory and Cognition, 20, 183-191.
Sharps, M.J., & Price, J.L. (1992).  Auditory imagery and free recall.  Journal of General Psychology,119, 81-87.
Sharps, M.J.  (1992).  Facilitation of taxonomic recall in preschool children.  Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 30, 137-139.
Sharps, M.J.  (1991).  Spatial memory in young and elderly adults: Category structure of stimulus sets.   Psychology and Aging, 6,  309-312.
Sharps, M.J. (1990).  A developmental approach to visual cognition in the elderly.  In T. Hess (Ed.), Aging and cognition: Knowledge organization and utilization (pp. 297-341).  Amsterdam: Elsevier. 
Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. (1988).  Aging and free recall for objects located in space.  Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 43, P8-P11.
Gollin, E.S., & Sharps, M.J. (1988).  Facilitation of categorical blocking depends on stimulus type.  Memory and Cognition, 16, 539-544.
Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. (1988).  “Sex differences” in spatial abilities depend on stimulus type.  ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 297 008.
Gollin, E.S., & Sharps, M.J. (1988).  The encoding and retrieval of object locations by young and elderly adults.  ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 296 214.
Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. (1987).  Speed and accuracy of mental image rotation in young and elderly adults.  Journal of Gerontology, 42, 342-344.
Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. (1987).  Memory for object locations in young and elderly adults.  Journal of Gerontology, 42, 336-341.
Gollin, E.S., & Sharps, M.J. (1987).  Visual perspective-taking in young children: Reduction of egocentric errors by induction of strategy.  Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 25, 435-437.
Wertheimer, M., Brodie, J., Fendrich, D., Mannes, S., Okuda, C., Sharps, M., & Weisberg, J. (1986).  Psychology: Social science, natural science, and profession.  In Wronski, S.P., & Bragaw, D.H. (Eds.), Social studies and social sciences (pp. 165-178).  Washington, D.C.: National Council for the Social Studies.
Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. (1986).  Methods of evaluating performance on spatial memory tasks.  Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 24, 18-20.
Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. (1985).  Memory and the syntagmatic-paradigmatic shift: A developmental study of priming effects.  Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 23, 95-97.
Carr, J., Maxion, R., Sharps, M.J., Weiss, D., O’Connell, B., & Chiszar, D. (1982).  Predatory behavior in a congenitally alingual Russell’s viper (Vipera russelli). 1. Strike induced chemosensory behavior.  Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society, 18, 196-204.

Sharps, M.J. (2024).  Basics of the brain.  Invited video for upper elementary students, Laramie Schools, Wyoming.
Sharps, M.J.  Why our brain is translating logical objects into mythological creatures and eerie shadows.  Invited interview with Maria Anna van Driel (Ed.), The Next Truth, The Next Truth Podcasts,, Youtube, March 13, 2021. 
Sharps, M.J. Stress, dissociation, and depression: Do they trigger the brain to create vivid paranormal phenomena?  Invited interview with Maria Anna van Driel (Ed.), The Next Truth, The Next Truth Podcasts,, Youtube, February 29, 2021. 
Sharps, M.J., & Price-Sharps, J.L., with producer Marquez, C.  Cognitive elements of PTSD.  Whole PTSD Podcasts, Episode 7,
Sharps, M.J.  Bigfoot meets the Loch Ness alien space ghosts!  Radio program “Candle in the Dark” with host Ulrike Muller, KFCF-FM, Fresno, CA, December 26, 2018.

Sharps, M.J., & Price-Sharps, J.L. (2019).  PTSD: A psychological and historical perspective.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 40, 81.
Liao, S., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Sharps, M.J.  (2017).   Cognitive and affective factors in     officer involved shootings. Proceedings of the Central California Research   Symposium, 38, 85. 
Sharps, M.J., Newborg, E., Van Arsdall, S., Alcantar, B., DeRuiter, J., & Hayward, B. (2010).  When you see dead people: Paranormal “sightings” as eyewitness events.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 31, 85.
Newborg, E., Sharps, M.J., Alcala, E., & Franklin, C. (2010).  Eyewitness memory for faces at tactical speeds.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 31, 165.
Sharps, M.J., Hess, A.B., Casner, H., Ranes, B., Jones, J.,Van Ardsdall, S., & Kirby, A.  (2009).  Encoding opportunity and eyewitness accuracy: Memory at tactical speeds. Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 30, 61.
Sharps, M.J., Janigian, J., Hess, A.B., Tuy, S., & Hayward, B.  (2008).  Eyewitness evidence and cognitive reconfiguration.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 29, 41.
Sharps, M.J., Hess, A.B., Casner, H., Ranes, B., & Jones, J.  (2007).   Eyewitness memory in realistic contexts.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 28, 36.
Sharps, M.J., Hess, A.B., & Ranes, B.  (2007).  “Mindless” decision making and contextual reasoning in environmental contexts.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 28, 62.
Hess, A.B., & Sharps, M.J. (2006).  Identification and interpretation of peripheral sources of hazard in complex crime situations.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 27, 7.
Sharps, M.J., & Hess, A.B. (2006).  Perception and interpretation of police response to armed assailants.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 27, 6.
Sharps, M.J., Matthews, J., & Asten, J.  (2006).  The psychology of Bigfoot: Cognitive and affective tendencies as determinants of paranormal beliefs.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 27, 5.
Sharps, M.J., & Price-Sharps, J.L.  (2005).  ADHD and cognitive factors in substance abuse.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 26, 59.
Sharps, M.J., Hess, A.B., & Price-Sharps, J.L.  (2005).  Heuristic and algorithmic processing in science education.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 26, 40.
Stahl, H., & Sharps, M.J. (2005).  ADHD and substance abuse in affective context.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 26, 62.
Sharps, M.J., Hess, A., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Teh, J.  (2004).  Heuristic processing, verbal and mathematical reasoning, and the CBEST.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 25, 81.
Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., Day, S.S., Nunes, M.A., Villegas, A.B., & Mitchell, S.  (2004).  ADHD, substance abuse, and heuristic processing.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 25, 104
Sharps, M.J., Tillery, A., & Van Valkenburgh, S.  (2004).  Substance abuse and cognition: A contextual reasoning approach.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 25, 105.
Sharps M.J., Villegas, A.B., & Matthews, J.  (2004).  A cognitive approach to cigarette smoking in college students.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 25, 80.
Stevens, D., & Sharps, M.J.  (2004).  Alcohol instruments used for measurement.   Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 25, 124.
Sharps, M.J., Van Valkenburgh, S., & Stahl, H.  (2003).  The evolution of cognitive predispositions: Hunting adaptations.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 24.
Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., Day, S.S., Villegas, A.B., & Nunes, M.A. (2003).  Cognition, adult ADHD, and substance abuse.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 24.
Villegas, A.B., Sharps, M.J., & Satterthwaite, B.  (2003).  Eyewitness identification of forensically relevant inanimate objects: Vehicles.  Proceedings of the Central California Research         Symposium, 24.
Sharps, M.J., Barber, T.L., Stahl, H.K.., & Villegas, A.B. (2002).  Eyewitness identification of firearms.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 23, 47.
Sharps, M.J.,  Villegas, A.B., Nunes, M.A., & Barber, T.L. (2002).  Prior semantic frameworks for the recall of unfamiliar pictorial items.   Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 23, 54.           
Sharps, M.J., & Schulte, S. (2001).  “Mindless” decision making as a failure of contextual reasoning.   Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 22, 60.
Sharps, M.J., & Nunes, M.A. (2000).  Gestalt and feature-intensive processing.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 21, 65.
Sharps, M.J., Martin, S.S., Price-Sharps, J.L., Day, J., Mitchell, S., Villegas, A., & Nunes, M.A.  (2000).  Cognitive determinants of substance abuse behavior.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 21, 66.
Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Martin, S. (2000).  Cognitive influences on substance abuse behavior.   Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 21, 67.
Price-Sharps, J.L., Sharps, M.J., Martin, S.S., Webster, L., & Dietzen, S.  (1999).  Substance abuse, attention deficit disorder, and comorbid conditions.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 20, 47.
Sharps, M.J., Martin, S.S., Nunes, M.A., & Merrill, M. (1999).  Interactions of visual and semantic information in the memory performance of young and older adults.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 20, 48.
Sharps, M.J., Martin, S.S., Nunes, M.A., & Merrill, M.  (1998).  Meaningful frameworks for recall in young and older adults. 
            Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 19, 45.
Sharps, M.J., Foster, B.T., Martin,S.S., & Nunes, M.A. (1998).  Spatial frameworks for memory in young and older adults.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 19,  61.
Sharps, M.J. (1997).  Artificial memory enhancement in older adults.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 18, 15.
Sharps, M.J., & Nunes, M.A. (1997).  Gestalt and feature processing of mental images.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 18, 90.
Sharps, M.J. (1996).  Age-related change in visuospatial processing as a determinant of age-related memory loss.  Proceedings of the Central Calfornia Research Symposium, 17, 89.
Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Hanson, J. (1996).  “Psychological universals” in the kingdom of Thailand.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium,17, 90.
Sharps, M.J. (1995).  Verbal and visual memory in human aging.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 16, 60.
Martin, S.S., & Sharps, M.J. (1995). Spatial memory: Encoding and retrieval in young and elderly adults.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 16, 48.
Merryman, C.J., Antonelli, J.R.S., & Sharps, M.J. (1995). Auditory imagery suppresses the category superiority effect.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 16, 50.
Sharps, M.J.  (1994).  Memory for semantic and visuospatial representation in young and elderly adults.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 15, 138.
Sharps, M.J., Price, J.L., & Wilson-Leff, C.A. (1992).  Aging and memory: Utilization of visual and semantic cues by young, elderly, and elderly impaired adults.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 13, 10.
Sharps, M.J., Welton, A., & Price, J.L. (1992).  Sociocultural determinants of “sex differences” in spatial cognitive performance.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 13, 10.
Sharps, M.J.  (1991).  Aging, spatial memory, and stimulus factors.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 12, 48.
Sharps, M.J., & Broesel, H.  (1991).  Mental imagery: Stimulus complexity and scanning requirements.  Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, 12, 49.

Price-Sharps, J.L., Sharps, M.J., Jensen, F., Nash, V., Bower, B., Villarama, K., & Oganesyan, M. Combining the use of CRRT and the SERI retreat to increase resiliency in first responder populations. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Louisville, KY, September 28, 2024.

Sharps, M.J. Stress and cognition in law enforcement. Invited online address, Walden University, October 15, 2023

Price-Sharps, J.L., Sharps, M.J., Jensen, F., & Kruger, K. Cognitive resiliency and reframing retreat for first responders: A new model. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Arlington, Texas, September 22, 2023.

Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., Villarama, K., & Rios, F. Dissociation and violence in judgments of guilt or innocence. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Arlington, Texas, September 21, 2023.

Sharps, M.J., Villarama, K., Rios, F., & Price-Sharps, J.L. Contextual and individual factors in the determination of guilt or innocence. Annual Conference of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA (Virtual), November 20, 2022.

Sharps, M.J., & Price-Sharps, J.L. Case studies in PTSD, past and present: Relevance and resilience. ACCOP Special Conference of the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology (International Section: Asia), Singapore, July 19, 2022 (Virtual).

Sharps, M.J. Forensic cognitive science in tactics, investigation, and hazard detection. Invited training, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Fresno, CA, March 21, 2022.

Sharps, M.J., Nagra, S.K., Paulsen, A.D., Moreno, J.C., Mortensen, S.R., Folmer, T.L., Jones, C.J., & Price-Sharps, J.L. The influence of information on environmental decision-making: Modes of delivery and depth of processing. Psychonomic Society, Virtual, November 5, 2021.

Sharps, M.J., & Price-Sharps, J.L. Outside the forensic box: Cognitive processing and atypical thinking in the forensic realm. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Virtual, October 2, 2021.

Sharps, M.J. Processing under pressure: Eyewitness cognition and law enforcement. Walden University Invited Address, Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Virtual, September 30, 2021.

Prince-Sharps, J.L., & Sharps, M.J. A different debriefing option: Cognitive resiliency and reframing debriefing (CRRD). Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Virtual, September 30, 2021.

Sharps, M.J., & Price-Sharps, J.L. Forensic cognitive science and PTSD: Notes from cold cases. Western Psychological Association, Virtual presentation, Coarsegold, CA, April 28, 2021.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive elements of successful psychoeducation for PTSD and first responders. Certificate Program, Cognitive Resiliency and Reframing Treatment (CRRT) for First Responders with PTSD, Virtual presentation, Coarsegold, CA, April 23, 2021. (Additional presentations of this program are ongoing.)

Sharps, M.J. Brain, Behavior, Stress, and Decision-Making. Tulare County Fire Department Peer Support Program Training, March 30, 2021. (Additional presentations of this program are ongoing.)

Sharps, M.J. Psychological Technologies: Healing PTSD in First Responders. Certificate Program, Cognitive Resiliency and Reframing Treatment (CRRT) for First Responders with PTSD, Virtual presentation, Coarsegold, CA, April 19, 2021. (Additional live presentations of this program are ongoing.)

Sharps, M.J. Stress, Cognition, and PTSD in First Responders. Certificate Program, Cognitive Resiliency and Reframing Treatment (CRRT) for First Responders with PTSD, Virtual presentation, Coarsegold, CA, March 19, 2021. (Additional live presentations of this program are ongoing.)

Sharps, M.J. Cognition and the brain: PTSD in First Responders. Certificate Program, Cognitive Resiliency and Reframing Treatment (CRRT) for First Responders with PTSD, Virtual presentation, Coarsegold, CA, February 19, 2021. (Additional live presentations of this program are ongoing.)

Sharps, M.J. Herrera, M., & Price-Sharps, J.L. Dissociative and cognitive processes in paranormal beliefs. Annual Conference of the Psychonomic Society, Virtual presentation, Coarsegold, CA, November 20, 2020.

Sharps, M.J., McCaw, H., Hill, C., & Price-Sharps, J.L. Violent history and the judgment of police performance in officer-involved shootings. Annual Conference of the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Virtual presentation, Coarsegold CA, November 6, 2020.

Sharps, M.J. The eyewitness mind: What we get wrong and why. Walden University Invited Address, Annual Conference of the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Virtual Presentation, November 6, 2020.

Sharps, M.J., Nagra, S., Hurd, S., Humphrey, A., Paulsen, A., & Folmer, T. Dissociation and schizotypy: Toward empirical characterization of critical human attributes. Western Psychological Association, Virtual presentation, Fresno, CA, October 29, 2020.

Nagra, S., Paulsen, A., Folmer, T., & Sharps, M.J. Factors of potential importance in the selection of candidates for Mars colonization. Western Psychological Association, Virtual presentation, Fresno, CA, October 29, 2020.

Price-Sharps, J.L., & Sharps, M.J. Certificate Program: Cognitive Resiliency and Reframing Debriefings. Inaugural presentation, Zoom/Virtual from Coarsegold, CA, October 16, 2020.

Sharps, M.J. Stress, the brain, and cognitive processing in law enforcement. Invited address, Madera County Sheriff’s Department, Madera, CA March 13, 2020..

Sharps, M.J. Eyewitness to the imagination: True believers and the ghost canals of Mars. Café Scientifique, Fresno, CA, January 6, 2020.

Sharps, M.J. Eyewitness to the imagination: True believers and the ghost canals of Mars. Radio program “Candle in the Dark” with hosts Ulrike Muller and Rory Telemeco, KFCF-FM, Fresno, CA, December 23, 2019.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive factors in the development and maintenance of criminal thinking. Invited address, Sierra Education and Research Institute, Fresno, CA, December 6, 2019.

Sharps, M.J. Psychopathology and psychoeducation: The role of cognitive and affective processes. Invited address, Sierra Education and Research Institute, Fresno, CA, November 8, 2019.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive and affective bases of familial stress in first responders. Invited address, Cal Fire training for emergency responders and families, Catheys Valley, CA, November 2, 2019.

Sharps, M.J., & Price-Sharps, J.L. PTSD past and present. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Scottsdale, AZ, September 25, 2019.

Price-Sharps, J.L., & Sharps, M.J. G/FI as an underlying theoretical framework for the treatment of PTSD. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Scottsdale, AZ, September 25, 2019.

Hinojosa, A., Sizemore, S., McCaw, H., Jones, C., Kosloff, S., & Sharps, M.J. Gender, judgments of guilt, and police profanity in officer-involved shootings.
Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Scottsdale, AZ, September 23, 2019.

Lyons, M., Carter, Z., McCaw, H., Jones, C., Botwin, M., & Sharps, M.J. Suspect weapon and judgment of guilt in officer-involved shootings. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Scottsdale, AZ, September 23, 2019.

Sharps, M.J. Eyewitness cognition in investigation and in court. Walden University Invited Address, Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Scottsdale, AZ, September 22, 2019.

Sharps, M.J. Memory processes in the clinical realm. Invited address, Sierra Education and Research Institute, Fresno, CA, September 6, 2019.

Sharps, M.J. Analogue theory in the clinical and forensic clinical realms. Invited address, Sierra Education and Research Institute, Fresno, CA, July 19, 2019.

Sharps, M.J. Critical considerations in development for the clinical and forensic clinical realms. Invited address, Sierra Education and Research Institute, Fresno, CA, July 19, 2019.

Sharps, M.J. Scenarios in developmental psychopathology and treatment: Critical commentary. Invited seminar, Sierra Education and Research Institute, Fresno, CA, July 19, 2019.

Sharps, M.J. Critiques of cognitive applications in therapeutic psychoeducation for PTSD. Invited seminar, Sierra Education and Research Institute, Fresno, CA, May 3, 2019.

Sharps, M.J. Gestalt/Feature-Intensive Processing Theory: Cognitive bases of therapeutic psychoeducation for PTSD. Invited lecture, Sierra Education and Research Institute, Fresno, CA, May 3, 2019.

Sharps, M.J. Processing under pressure: Team cognition in high-stress environments. Invited address to the General Surgery Residency Program, Graduate Medical Education, Kaweah Delta Medical Center, Visalia, CA, January 15, 2019.

Sharps, M.J. Bigfoot meets the Loch Ness alien space ghosts! Café Scientifique, Fresno, CA, January 7, 2019.

Sharps, M.J., Herrera, M., & Price-Sharps, J.L. Cognitive and affective factors in relation to antisocial symptomatology. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Sarasota, FL, October 2, 2018.

Sharps, M.J., Hoshiko, B., Hurd, S., & Wilson, E. Eyewitness principles and scientific observation: Investigating the eyewitness and general cognitive realms. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Sarasota, FL, October 2 2018.

Sharps, M.J. Forensic cognitive science for forensic and investigative psychologists. Walden University invited address, Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Sarasota, FL, October 1 2018.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive theory and PTSD: Recent advances, empirical support, and historic context. Invited lecture, Sierra Education and Research Institute, Fresno, CA, September 8, 2018.

Sharps, M.J. Careers and advances in forensic psychology and cognitive science. Invited address, Washington Union High School, April 25, 2018.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive elements of PTSD and its treatment. Invited address, Veterans’ Support Group, Fresno, CA, April 5, 2018.

Sharps, M.J., Torkelson, J.F., Hulett, D.L., Kuhl, M.L., & Sevillano, C.N. Psychological factors in the judgment of shoot/no-shoot decisions. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, San Diego, CA, September 14, 2017.

Sharps, M.J., Torkelson, J.F., Hulett, D.L., Kuhl, M.L., & Sevillano, C.N. Assessment of police performance: The influence of officer profanity. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, San Diego, CA, September 14, 2017.

Torkelson, J.F., Hulett, D.L., Kuhl, M.L., Sevillano, C.N., & Sharps, M.J. Verbal abilities and the evaluation of police and camera evidence. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, San Diego, CA, September 14, 2017.

Sharps, M.J. PTSD and its treatment: The cognitive/affective interface. Invited address, Alliant International University, August 1, 2017.

Sharps, M.J. Traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder: A cognitive framework. Didactic training, Sierra Education and Research Institute, Fresno, CA, July 28, 2017.

Sharps, M.J. Research and careers in police and criminal psychology. Invited address to Upward Bound Program for local high school students, California State University, Fresno, CA, June 22, 2017.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive bases of PTSD and its treatment. Didactic training, Sierra Education and Research Institute, Fresno, CA, January 20, 2017.

Sharps, M.J. TBI’s, cognitive science, and adaptation. Invited address to Veterans and Families Support Group, Fresno, CA, December 13, 2016.

Sharps, M.J., & Herrera, M. The eyes really do have it: Attribution of violent potential from facial observation. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Austin, Texas, September 28, 2016. (Received Society Kimbrough award for innovation
and originality in research).

Sharps, M.J., & Smith, L. The bombs of Africa: Psychology and technology in the detection of improvised explosive devices. Society for Police and Criminal
Psychology, Austin, Texas, September 28, 2016.

Sharps, M.J., Herrera, M., Hulett, D., & Briley, A. SMOKE and the OIS: The influence of IED detection training on shoot/no-shoot decisions. Society for Police and
Criminal Psychology, Austin, Texas, September 27, 2016.

Sharps, M.J. Eyewitness memory and the officer involved shooting. Invited address to the Madera County District Attorney Investigators, Madera, CA, August 17, 2016.

Sharps, M.J. Eyewitness memory and forensic cognitive science. Invited address to the Federal Defenders, Eastern California District, Fresno, CA, April 19, 2016.

Sharps, M.J., Field and laboratory research in forensic cognitive science. Invited presentation to high school students, California State University, Fresno, California February 19, 2016.

Sharps, M.J. Challenges and opportunities in forensic cognitive science. Invited talk to high school students, Washington Union High School, Fresno, CA, February 12, 2016.

Sharps, M.J. Force and mind: Mentality and success in modern law enforcement. Invited address, Kingsburg Police Department, Kingsburg, California, October 17, 2015.

Herrera, M., Sharps, M.J., Hensley, J., & Renderos, R. Gender and violence in the cognitive framing of juror beliefs. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia, October 2, 2015.

Herrera, M.R., Sharps, M.J., Neufer, K., Lomelli, J., Hill, M., Sunday, A., & Volkoff, J. Cognitive and affective aspects of substance abuse behavior. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia, October 1, 2015.

Kowalczyk, D., & Sharps, M.J. Best practices for reduction of physical and psychological health consequences of undercover work in law enforcement officers. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia, October 1, 2015.

Sharps, M.J. Force and the modern LEO: Cognitive considerations. Invited address, interagency training of law enforcement officers in Central California, Tracy, California, August 26, 2015.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive science and IED detection training in military environments. Invited address, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 10, 2015.

Sharps, M.J., McRae, K. Partovi, M. Power, J. & Newton, A. Processing dynamics in eyewitness memory for firearms. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 19, 2014.

Liao, S., Sharps, M.J., Neufer, K., & Lodeesen, A. Psychological determinants of decision making in forensic/police context. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 19, 2014.

Herrera, M.R., Sharps, M.J., Swinney, H.R., & Lamb, J. Deadly force or not? Eyewitness processing of long guns and replicas. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 19, 2014.

Kowalczyk, D., & Sharps, M.J. Behavioral adaptation in undercover officers: Administrative and operational consequences of the undercover environment. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 19, 2014.

Sharps, M.J. Elements of the philosophy of Plato in reference to ethics in psychology. Invited lecture, California State University, Fresno, March 19, 2014.

Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Liao, S. Cognitive aspects of successful hostage negotiation. Presented at the 2014 Alliant International University Annual California Hostage Negotiation Training, June 14, 2014.

Sharps, M.J., Liao, S., & Herrera, M.R. True believers when nothing happens: Psychology and the 2012 “Mayan Apocalypse.” Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA, May 25, 2014.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive science versus Bigfoot: The importance of cognitive principles in education for a rational world. Invited address, Association for Psychological Science, Teaching Institute, San Francisco, May 22, 2014.

Sharps, M.J. Mental processing for tactical success. Invited address to Phillipine
University and National Police officials, San Diego, CA, May 8, 2014.

Sharps, M.J. Interview contribution to California Commission on Peace Officers
Standards and Training video Stress Management, POST Production, 2013.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive training for IED search in cross-national context. Invited address to the command staff and bomb technicians of the Explosives Service, South African Police Service, Johannesburg, South Africa, January 15, 2014.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive factors in the investigation of violent crimes. Invited address presented to commanders and detectives of the South African Police Service, Johannesburg, South Africa, January 17, 2014.

Sharps, M.J., McRae, K., Powers, J., & Newton, A. Eyewitness memory for firearms:
Important things that didn’t happen. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology,
Ottawa, Ont., September 26, 2013

Liao, S.W., Sharps, M.J., Neufer, K., & Lodeesen, A. Determinants of Decision Making in Forensic/Police Context. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Ottawa, Ont., September 26, 1013.

McRae, K., Sharps, M.J., Powers, J., & Newton, A. Eyewitness memory for firearms: Contextual factors and prior frameworks for understanding. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Ottawa, Ont., September 26, 1013.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive approaches to forensic clinical psychology. Invited address, Alliant International University, Fresno, CA, February 6, 2013.

Sharps, M.J. The mental edge: Forensic cognitive science in modern law enforcement.
Invited keynote address, California Reserve Peace Officers Association, San Jose,
CA, August 21, 2013.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive and evolutionary bases of the psychoses: A theoretical perspective. Invited address, Alliant International University, Fresno, CA, November 14, 2012.

Paine, H., Price-Sharps, J.L., Sharps, M.J., & Goodner, R. Tactical response team scenario: Opportunities for psychologists to be a resource to police tactical teams. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Birmingham, AL, November 10, 2012.

Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Herrera, M.R., Violence and the interpretation of eyewitness evidence. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Birmingham, AL, November 8, 2012.

Liao, S., Sharps, M.J., Fasel, S., & Tachovaka, K. Individual differences in shoot/no-shoot decisions. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Birmingham, AL, November 8, 2012.

McRae, K., Sharps, M.J., & Kimura, N. Eyewitness memory for weapons: The influence of question type on witness response. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Birmingham, AL, November 8, 2012.

Sharps, M.J. Cognition and PTSD in law enforcement environments. Invited address, Alliant International University, February 25, 2012.

Sharps, M.J. Brain and cognition in the law enforcement environment. Invited address, Cal Fire Peer Support Training, February 14, 2012.

Sharps, M.J. Aging, cognition, and the modern world. Seminar at Alliant International University, Fresno, CA, February 15, 2012.

Sharps, M.J., Herrera, M.G., & Lodeesen, A.L. SMOKE: A cognitively-based system for IED detection. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Chicago, IL, October 20, 2011.

Sharps, M.J. Eyewitness memory and the interpretation of visual input. Invited lecture to the Inter-University Forensic Club, Fresno, CA, November 4, 2011.

Sharps, M.J., Herrera, M., Dunn, L., & Alcala, E. Eyewitness performance: The influence of repeated questioning. International Association for Investigative Psychology, San Francisco, CA, October 23, 2011.

Sharps, M.J., & Newborg, E. Eyewitness memory and “paranormal” sightings: The role of individual differences. Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA, April 28, 2011.

Sharps, M.J. From eyewitness memory to law enforcement training: A unified cognitive approach. Psychonomic Society, St. Louis, MO, November 21, 2010

Sharps, M.J. Forensic cognitive science in the courtroom. Annual invited address, Southern California Law Society, San Diego, CA, October 22, 2010

Sharps, M.J., & Newborg, E. Law enforcement training for violent encounters: Systematically altered levels of threat and security (SALTS). Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Honolulu, HI, September 23, 2010.

Newborg, E., Sharps, M.J., Alcala, E., & Franklin, C. Eyewitness identification: The influence of observation at tactical speeds. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Honolulu, HI, September 20, 2010.

Vecchiarelli, J., Blair, H., Newborg, E., & Sharps, M.J. Characterization of domestic terrorism in the United States, 1999-2010. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Honolulu, HI, September 20, 2010.

Sharps, M.J. Cognition in law enforcement environments: Memory and thought. Invited lecture, Alliant International University Summer Institute in Forensic Psychology, Fresno, California, June 25, 2010.

Sharps, M.J. Forensic cognitive science: Current and future prospects. Invited lecture, Alliant International University Summer Institute in Forensic Psychology, Fresno, California, June 24, 2010.

Sharps, M.J. Cognition in the forensic and law enforcement realms. Invited lecture series, OSHER program, California State University, Fresno, May 2010.

Sharps, M.J., Newborg, E., Glaser, M., Hayward, B., & Scholl, M. Finding IED’s before they find you: The SMOKE system. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Hartford, Connecticut, October 30, 2009.

Sharps, M.J. Eyewitness cognition: Lessons from eyewitness performance for field and courtroom. Lecture to the American College of Forensic Examiners, Las Vegas, NV, October 16, 2009.

Sharps, M.J. Eyewitness memory and cognition: A modern synthesis. Invited address, International Association of Chiefs of Police, Psychological Services Section, Denver, Colorado, Ocotber 4, 2009.

Sharps, M.J. Aging and memory: It isn’t as bad as you think. Invited OSHER program lecture, Fresno, CA, September 8, 2009.

Garcia, M., Sharps, M.J., & Ewart, J. Eyewitness memory under dynamic conditions. Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA, May 22, 2009.

Sharps, M.J., Hess, A.B., Casner, H., Jones, J., Van Arsdall, S., & Ranes, B. Eyewitness memory at tactical speeds. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Walnut Creek, CA, October 16, 2008.

Sharps, M.J. An ecocognitive approach to environmental education. American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, August 13, 2008.

Sharps, M.J., & Hess, A.B. Ecocognition, cognitive psychology, contextual reasoning, and environmental concerns. American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, August 13, 2008.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive and neurobiological aspects of methamphetamine use. Invited address, Madera County Mental Health Services, Madera, CA, July 16, 2008.

Sharps, M.J. Memory and cognitive studies in forensic and criminal psychology. Invited address, Center for Advanced Research and Technology, Clovis Schools, Clovis, CA, June 19, 2008.

Sharps, M.J. Janigian, J., Hess, A.B., Tuy, S., & Hayward, B. Categories of error in eyewitness identification. Western Psychological Association, Irvine, CA, April 11, 2008.

Sharps, M.J. Careers and recent trends in experimental forensic psychology. Invited address, Center for Advanced Research and Technology, Clovis School System, Clovis, CA, October 24, 2007.

Sharps, M.J. Experimental forensic psychology: Challenges and opportunities in modern context. Invited address, Center for Advanced Research and Technology, Clovis School System, Clovis, CA, October 24, 2007.

Sharps, M.J., & Hess, A.B. Eyewitness identification in context: Toward a taxonomy of
eyewitness error. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Springfield, MA, September 29, 2007.

Hess, A.B., Sharps, M.J., Garcia, M., Ewart, J., Griffith, M., & Tuy, S. Visual allocation in simple and complex crime scenes. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Springfield, MA, September 27, 2007.

Sharps, M.J., & Price-Sharps, J.L. Cognitive processing and substance abuse in adults with ADHD tendencies. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August 19, 2007.

Casner, H., Sharps, M.J., & Hess, A.B. Eyewitness identification and Gestalt/Feature-Intensive Processing. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August 19, 2007.

Sharps, M.J., Hess, A.B., & Ranes, B. Decision making and contextual information in environmental issues. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August 17, 2007.

Sharps, M.J. Eyewitness memory and cognitive processing: Recent advances. Invited address, California State University, Fresno, Seminar Series in Forensic Science, February 9, 2007,

Sharps, M.J. Eyewitness memory in context: Recent advances and application. Invited address, Alliant International University Conference on Forensic Psychology, Fresno, CA, February 3, 2007.

Sharps, M.J. Perception and processing of peripheral sources of hazard: Application to aviation and space environments. Invited address, NASA/Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, CA, January 9, 2007.

Sharps, M.J. Eyewitness memory in context. Invited lecture, Dept. of Criminology, California State University, Fresno, November 28, 2006.

Sharps, M.J., Hess, A.B., Ranes, B., Jones, J., & Casner, H. Memory for elements of complex crime scenes. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Washington, DC, October 27, 2006.

Hess, A.B., Sharps, M.J., Wagner, K., & Garcia, M. Eyewitness identification and visual allocation in crime scene evaluation. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Washington, DC, October 27, 2006.

Sharps, M.J. Eyewitness evidence in the undercover context. Brief presentation and round-table discussion, International Workshop on Undercover Policing, Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Orvieto, Italy, July 27, 2006.

Sharps, M.J. Stress and cognition in undercover policing. Invited paper, International Workshop on Undercover Policing, Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Orvieto, Italy, July 26, 2006.

Sharps, M.J. Brain and cognition in methamphetamine use. Invited presentation, Madera County Mental Health, Madera, CA, June 21, 2006.

Sharps, M.J., Matthews, J., & Asten, J. The psychology of Bigfoot: Cognition and affect in the determination of paranormal beliefs. Psychology Department Research Symposium, California State University, Fresno, CA, May 5, 2006.

Hess, A., Matthews, J., Asten, J., Villegas, A.B., Barber, T., Stahl, H., Jones, B., Casner, H., Jones, J., Van Arsdall, S., Kirby, A., Janigian, J., Day, S., Nunes, M., Mitchell, S., & Sharps, M.J. Forensic psychology in the Department of Psychology, College of Science and Mathematics. Psychology Department Research Symposium, California State University, Fresno, CA, May 5, 2006.

Sharps, M.J., Matthews, J., & Asten, J. Cognitive and affective tendencies as determinants of paranormal beliefs. Western Psychological Association, Palm Springs, CA, April 27, 2006.

Sharps, M.J., & Hess, A.B. Perception and interpretation of police response to armed assailants. Western Psychological Association, Palm Springs, CA, April 29, 2006.

Hess, A.B., & Sharps, M.J. Identification and interpretation of peripheral sources ofhazard in complex crime situations. Western Psychological Association, Palm Springs, CA, April 29, 2006.

Sharps, M.J. Eyewitnesses, police officers, and victims: Memory for events under traumatic conditions. Seminar presented at the annual convention of the Forensic Mental Health Association of California, Monterey, CA, March 16, 2006.

Sharps, M.J. Cognition at risk: The cognitive basis of gambling and gambling “addictions.” Invited presentation, Madera County Mental Health Services, Madera, CA, March 15, 2006.

Sharps, M.J. Representation in memory and reasoning: Current theory and applications.
Cognitive Science Seminar Series, California State University, Fresno, February 24, 2006.

Sharps, M.J., & Hess, A.B. Memory and interpretation of complex crime scenes. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Scottsdale, AZ, October 12, 2005.

Sharps, M.J., & Price-Sharps, J.L. Adult ADHD and Cognitive Factors in Substance Abuse. American Psychological Society, Los Angeles, CA, May 26, 2005.

Sharps, M.J. Forensic cognitive psychology: Recent advances and opportunities. Invited address, Psi Chi Forensic Psychology Lecture Series, California State University, Fresno, April 6, 2005.

Sharps, M.J. Attention and attention deficit hyperactive disorder in forensic contexts. Seminar, Forensic Mental Health Association, Monterey, CA, March 17, 2005.

Sharps, M.J. Representation in evolutionary and ecological context. Invited lecture, Cognitive Science Group Speaker Series and Cognitive Science Seminar, California State University, Fresno, February 2, 2005.

Sharps, M.J. International forensic psychology today. Invited Psi Chi address, California State University, Fresno, November 17, 2004.

Sharps, M.J. Aging and memory. Discussion presented on PAX television show, Fresno, California, November 11, 2006.

Sharps, M.J. Eyewitness identification in context. Invited lecture, California State University, Fresno, Dept. of Criminology, October 20, 2004.

Sharps, M.J. Gestalt/feature-intensive processing: A cognitive approach to eyewitness identification. Invited address, Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Rome, Italy, October 15, 2004.

Sharps, M.J., Tillery, A., & Van Valkenburgh, S. Gestalt/feature-intensive processing: A cognitive approach to substance abuse. American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI, July 31, 2004.

Sharps, M.J., Tillery, A., & Van Valkenburgh, S. Gestalt/feature-intensive processing: A cognitive approach to tobacco abuse. American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI, July 31, 2004.

Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., Day, S.S., Nunes, M.A., Villegas, A.B., & Mitchell, S. (2004). Heuristic processing in attention deficit and substance abuse. Western Psychological Association, Phoenix, AZ, April 24, 2004.

Sharps, M.J., Hess, A., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Teh, J. Heuristic cognitive processing in University education: The CBEST. Western Psychological Association, Phoenix, AZ, April 23, 2004.

Sharps, M.J. Aging and memory in context. Invited address, Women’s Health Symposium, Fresno, CA, March 21, 2004.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive psychology: The modern synthesis. Invited lecture, Cognitive Science Program, California State University, Fresno, January 28, 2004.

Sharps, M.J. The aging client: Cognitive and affective factors in successful geropsychology. Invited address, Fresno Area Psychological Association, Fresno, CA, January 26, 2004.

Sharps, M.J. Gender and cognition: Ecological and multicultural considerations. Invited address, Human Sexuality Seminar, California State University, Fresno, January 15, 2004.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive and ecological factors in human sexuality. Invited address, Human Sexuality Seminar, California State University, Fresno, September 26, 2003.

Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., Villegas, A.B., Day, S.S., & Nunes, M.A. Cognition, ADHD and substance abuse. Alliant University Annual Research Conference, Fresno, CA, September 13, 2003.

Sharps, M.J., Villegas, A.B., Barber, T.L. Stahl, H., Satterthwaite, B., Chisholm, S., & Spencer, K. Eyewitness identification of forensically-relevant inanimate objects. Alliant University Annual Research Conference, Fresno, CA, September 13, 2003.

Sharps, M.J., Villegas, A.B., Van Valkenburg, S., Stahl, H., Nunes, M.A., & Barber, T.L. Evolution of cognition: Biobehavioral preparedness for hunting behaviors. Alliant University Annual Research Conference, Fresno, CA, September 13, 2003.

Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., Day, S.S., Villegas, A.B., & Nunes, M.A. Cognitive predisposition to substance abuse in adult ADHD. Western Psychological Association, Vancouver, BC, May 1, 2003.

Villegas, A.B., Sharps, M.J., Satterthwaite, B, & Chisholm, S. Eyewitness Identification of Forensically Relevant Inanimate Objects: Vehicles. Western Psychological Association, Vancouver, BC, May 2, 2003.

Sharps, M.J., Van Valkenburgh, S., & Stahl, H. Evolution of Cognitive Predispositions: Evidence in Native American Animal Depictions. Western Psychological Association, Vancouver, BC, May 3, 2003.

Sharps, M.J. Update on cognition: Application of new findings in memory and reasoning. Invited address, Fresno Area Psychological Association, Fresno, CA, March 17, 2003.

Sharps, M.J. Current trends in cognitive research. Psi Chi Lecture, California State University, Fresno, CA, November 6, 2002.

Sharps, M.J. Eyewitness identification. Invited lecture, Department of Criminology, California State University, Fresno, CA, November 6, 2002.

Sharps, M.J. Psychology, philosophy, and mental representation. Invited lecture, Department of Psychology Honors Program, California State University, Fresno, CA, November 6, 2002.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive evolution and representational theory: Recent research. Invited lecture, Alliant University, Fresno, CA, November 5, 2002

Sharps, M.J. Gestalt and feature-intensive processing: A new theory of visual cognition and representation. Invited lecture, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, September 11, 2002.

Sharps, M.J. The cognitive asynchrony theory of visual cognitive aging. Invited seminar presentation, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, September 10, 2002.

Sharps, M.J. Evolutionary aspects of cognition in ADHD. Invited seminar presentation, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, September 3, 2002.

Sharps, M.J. Ecological and cognitive aspects of ADHD. Seminar on Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, California State University, Fresno, CA, June 22, 2002.

Sharps, M.J., Barber, T.L., Stahl, H.K., & Villegas, A.B. Eyewitness identification of forensically-relevant inanimate objects: Firearms. American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, June 7, 2002.

Barber, T.L., Sharps, M.J., & Stahl, H. Head trauma, contact sports, and intellectual deficit: A preliminary study. Western Psychological Association, Irvine, CA, April 11, 2002.

Sharps, M.J., Villegas, A.B., Nunes, M.A., & Barber, T.L. Prior frameworks for the recall of unfamiliar pictorial items. California State University, Fresno. Western Psychological Association, Irvine, CA, April 12, 2002.

Villegas, A.B., Voth, R., & Sharps, M.J. Attention deficit hyperactive disorder: Evidence for pathological and nonpathological sources. Western Psychological Association, Irvine, CA, April 12, 2002.

Ahlberg, S.W., Sharps, M.J., & Price-Sharps, J.L. Reconfiguration of long-term memory in young and older adults. Presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Lahaina, Maui, HI, May 4, 2001.

Woo, E., & Sharps, M.J. Cognitive influences of physical exercise in young and older adults. Presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Lahaina, Maui, HI, May 4, 2001.

Sharps, M.J., & Martin, S.S. “Mindless” decision making as a failure of contextual reasoning. Presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA, November 19, 2000.

Martin, S.S., Sharps, M.J., Nunes, M.A., & Neff, A. Age Differences in relational support for visual information processing. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Miami, FL, June 8, 2000.

Sharps, M.J., Martin, S.S., & Price-Sharps, J.L. Cognitive mechanisms of substance abuse. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Miami, FL, June 10, 2000.

Price-Sharps, J.L., Sharps, M.J., Martin, S.S., Webster, L., & Dietzen, S. Substance abuse, attention deficit disorder, and indicators of comorbid conditions. American Psychological Society, Denver, CO, June 4, 1999.

Sharps, M.J., Martin, S.S., & Nunes, M.A. Aging and the category superiority effect: The role of relational demand. American Psychological Society, Denver, CO, June 3, 1999.

Sharps, M.J., & Nunes, M. Gestalt and feature processing in mental rotation. Psychonomic Society, Dallas, Texas, November 21, 1998.

Sharps, M.J., Martin, S.S., Nunes, M.A., & Merrill, M. Aging and memory for relational and visual information. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA August 11, 1998.

Sharps, M.J., Martin, S.S., Nunes, M.A., & Merrill, M. Relational frameworks for recall in young and older adults. American Psychological Society, Washington, DC, May 23, 1998.

Sharps, M.J., Foster, B.T., Martin, S.S., & Nunes, M.A. Aging and free recall in spatial memory contexts. American Psychological Society, Washington, DC, May 22, 1998.

Sharps, M.J., Martin, S.S., Nunes, M.A., Woo, E., Sears, K., Corsaro, V., Callison, A., & Robinson, J.M. Memory and intelligence in young and older adults. Western Psychological Association, Albuquerque, NM, April 19, 1998.

Sharps, M.J., & Pollitt, B. Auditory imagery and the category superiority effect. Western Psychological Association, Albuquerque, NM, April 19, 1998.

Sharps, M.J. Representation in memory: Evidence from cognitive gerontology. University colloquium, California State University, Fresno, CA, March 4, 1998

Sharps, M.J. Effective factual learning: Accuracy, clarity, and accessibility. Conference on Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Fresno, CA, January 22, 1998.

Sharps, M.J., & Price-Sharps, J.L. Visual memory support: Effective artificial memory enhancement for older adults. American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, August 15, 1997.

Sharps, M.J., & Nunes, M. Representation in adult cognition: Feature and “Gestalt” processing in mental rotation. American Psychological Society, Washington, DC, May 25, 1997.

Sharps, M.J., & Price-Sharps, J.L. Preventing adolescent drug abuse. Oakhurst Faculty Forum, Oakhurst, CA, September 6, 1997.

Price-Sharps, J.L., & Sharps, M.J. Adult attention deficit hyperactive disorder as a factor in drug abuse: A preliminary study. American Psychological Society, Washington, DC, May 24, 1997.

Sharps, M.J., & Price-Sharps, J.L. Indications of drug abuse among adolescent students. Invited teacher in-service training, Yosemite High School, Oakhurst, CA, February 5, 1997.

Sharps, M.J., Martin, S., Foster, B., Handorf, H., Shaible, C., & Silva, T.. Encoding and retrieval in young and older adults. American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, August 9, 1996.

Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Hanson, J. Gender and playful aggression: Evidence from Thailand and rural Hawaii. American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, August 10, 1996.

Sharps, M.J., Martin, S., Foster, B., & Handorf, K. Visuospatial support for long-term free recall in young and elderly adults. American Psychological Society, San Francisco, CA, June 30, 1996.

Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Hanson, J. Attitudes toward older adults in the United States and Thailand. American Psychological Society, San Francisco, CA, June 30, 1996.

Sharps, M.J., & Martin, S. Spatial memory in young and older adults: Relative influence of environmental support at encoding and retrieval. Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 28, 1996.

Sharps, M.J., Martin, S., & Handorf, K. The Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test: Validation for Group Research Screening. Western Psychological Association, San Jose, CA, April 11, 1996.

Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Hanson, J. Body image preference in rural Thailand and the United States. Western Psychological Association, San Jose, CA, April 11, 1996

Merryman, C.J., Antonelli, J.R.S., & Sharps, M.J. Auditory and visual information as determinants of category superiority effects. American Psychological Society, New York, NY, July 1, 1995.

Sharps, M.J. Memory for visuospatial and semantic information in young and elderly adults. Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Boulder, CO, April 22, 1995.

Sharps, M.J., & Antonelli, J. Contextual support for paired-associates learning in young and elderly adults. American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA, August 14, 1994.

Sharps, M.J., Martin, S., & Barbis, H. Encoding and retrieval processes in the spatial memory performance of young and elderly adults. American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA, August 14, 1994.

Sharps, M.J. Category superiority effects in young and elderly adults. Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 9, 1994.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive plasticity and the aging process: Lessons for geriatric medicine and psychiatry. Invited address to the medical staff, Laguna Honda Hospital Complex, San Francisco, CA, January 5, 1994.

Sharps, M.J., Price, J.L., & Bence, V.M. Visual and auditory imagery attenuates primacy effects. Psychonomic Society, Washington, D.C., November 6, 1993.

Sharps, M.J. Aging and cognitive plasticity. Invited address, Stanford University Geriatric Education Center, Stanford, CA, October 29, 1993.

Sharps, M.J., & Wilson-Leff, C.A. Reduced encoding times require increased relational support for imageric memory. American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 21, 1993.

Sharps, M.J. Working with elders in transition. Summer Institute on Aging, California State University, Fresno, CA, May 26, 1993.

Sharps, M.J., Wilson-Leff, C.A., & Manrique, C. Relational and item-specific information: Reduced encoding times produce enhanced relational processing. Western Psychological Association, Phoenix, AZ, April 23, 1993.

Price, J.L., Sharps, M.J., & Wilson-Leff, C.A. Spatial cognition and gender: Instructional influences on performance. Western Psychological Association, Phoenix, AZ, April 23, 1993.

Sharps, M.J., & Williams, J. Stimulus type and gender in the determination of mental image rotation performance. Western Psychological Association, Phoenix, AZ, April 23, 1993.

Sharps, M.J., Price, J.L., & Wilson, C.A. Aging and recall: Semantic and visual determinants of performance. American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 13, 1992.

Sharps, M.J., Welton, A., & Price, J.L. Spatial cognition and gender: Task related determinants of performance. American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 17, 1992.

Sharps, M.J. A developmental approach to memory and reasoning in the elderly. Keynote address, Summer Institute on Aging, California State University, Fresno, CA, May 28, 1992.

Price, J.L., & Sharps, M.J. (faculty sponsor). “Dual-coding” effects of auditory imagery
on free recall. Western Psychology Conference for Undergraduate Research, Santa Clara, CA, April 25, 1992.

Price, J.L., Wilson, C.A., & Sharps, M.J. (faculty sponsor). Thematic and visual memory in young, elderly, and elderly-demented adults. Western Psychology Conference for Undergraduate Research, Santa Clara, CA, April 25, 1992.

Sharps, M.J. Aging and spatial memory: The semantic properties of stimulus items. Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 11, 1992.

Sharps, M.J., Wilson, C., & Price, J.L. Pictorial and thematic support for free recall in young and elderly adults. Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 11, 1992.

Sharps, M.J., & Tindall, M.H. Category information and verbal recall. Psychonomic Society, San Francisco, CA, November 23, 1991.

Sharps, M.J., & Broesel, H. Interactive determinants of mental image rotation performance. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August 17, 1991.

Sharps, M.J., & Tindall, M.H. Relational and item-specific information as determinants of clustering performance. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August 17, 1991.

Price, J.L, & Sharps, M.J. Auditory imagery and free recall. Western Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, April 27, 1991.

Sharps, M.J. Item-specific and relational information: Effects on category clustering. Western Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, April 25, 1991.

Sharps, M.J., & Broesel, H. Complexity and discriminability of stimulus items and mental image rotation. Western Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, April 25, 1991.

Sharps, M.J. Experimental psychology of human aging: Imagery and chronometric approaches. Invited address, Neuropsychology Conference, University of California/Veterans Administration Medical Center, Fresno, CA, December 21, 1990.

Sharps, M.J., & Tindall, M.H. Facilitation of free recall by categorical blocking and prior knowledge. American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, August 12, 1989.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive aging research. Governor’s Conference on Aging, Jackson, WY, May 18, 1989.

Sharps, M.J. Blocking effects over long retention intervals. Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Reno, NV, April 27, 1989.

Gollin, E.S., & Sharps, M.J. Factors influencing free recall in young and elderly adults. American Psychological Association, New York, NY August 12, 1988.

Gollin, E.S., & Sharps, M.J. A comparative-developmental study of memory for abstract relations. Rocky Mountain Psychological Assocation, Snowbird, UT, April 23, 1988.

Till, R.E., Bartlett, J.C., & Sharps, M.J. Age differences in memory for orientation and location of repeated pictures. Psychonomic Society, Seattle, WA, November 7, 1987.

Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. Comparative-developmental methodology and neuropsychological diagnosis in the elderly. Colloquium at the Williams Family Medicine Center, University of Colorado, Denver, CO, November 4, 1987.

Gollin, E.S., & Sharps, M.J. The encoding and retrieval of object locations by young and elderly adults. American Psychological Association, New York, NY, September 1, 1987.

Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. “Sex differences” in spatial abilities depend on test factors. American Psychological Association, New York, NY, August 30, 1987.

Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. Mental image rotation in young and elderly adults. Gerontology Interest Group Conference, Boulder, CO, April 24, 1987.

Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. Memory for space and meaning in young and elderly adults. American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 25, 1986.

Sharps, M.J. Spatial memory and free recall in the elderly. University of Colorado Council on Aging, Denver, CO, April 30, 1986.

Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. Enhancement of memory by categorical blocking varies with stimulus type. Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Denver, CO, April 25, 1986.

Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. Mechanisms of task dependency in the spatial memory of elderly subjects. Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Denver, CO, April 30, 1986.

Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. The encoding of spatial information in young and elderly adults. American Association for the Advancement of Science (Southwest and Rocky Mountain Division), Boulder, CO, April 3, 1986.

Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. A developmental study of spatial memory in young and elderly adults. Southwestern Society for Research in Human Development, San Antonio, TX, March 7, 1986.

Sharps, M.J. Spatial memory in the elderly: An ecological approach. Meeting on Researching Cognition, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, April 7, 1985.

Sharps, M.J. Cognitive correlates of mental image rotation. Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Denver, CO, April 30, 1981.