List of Dr. Matthew Sharps current and past works
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Sharps, M.J. (2024). The Forensic View: Investigative Psychology, Law Enforcement, Space Aliens, Exploration, and the Nature of Madness. Amazon.
Sharps, M.J. (2023). Essentials of Eyewitness Memory. Pathways to Research in Psychology, October, 1- 8.
Sharps, M.J. (2024, April 1). Are there really psychic detectives? The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2024, March 4). Killing Socrates. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J., Villarama, K., Rios, F., & Price-Sharps, J.L. (2024). A skeptical approach to guilt and innocence in the judicial realm. Skeptical Inquirer, 48 (January-February), 45-48.
Sharps, M.J. (2024, February 5). Blaming the victim: the psychology of innocence and guilt. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2024, January 11). Forensics and the forensic view. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2024, January 4.) Perception, thought, and emotion. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, November 30). Memory, the Mandela effect, and pterodactyls of the mind. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J., McCaw, H., Hill, C., & Price-Sharps, J.L. (2023). The context of officer involved shootings: Violent history and language use in public judgments of an OIS. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 38, 639-642.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, October 17). Eyewitness errors: How mental processes change our memories. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, August 21). Evidence matters: Marcos’ Menagerie and Source Confusion. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, July 29). Evidence matters: The case of the “Lying Monk.” The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, July 3). What forensic psychology can learn from alien abductions. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023). Forensic cognitive science and the UFO phenomenon. In Ballester-Olmos, V.J., & Heiden, R.W. (Eds.). The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony (pgs. 368-384). Torino: UPIAR.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, June 5). Psychology and the flying saucer people. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, May 8). Are people actually any good at estimating height? The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J.(2023). On the question of pilot expertise and UFO observation and identification (also published in German as Zur Frage der pilotenkompetenz und der UFO-beobachtung und -identifizierung). Invited article published in the pan-European skeptical/science site UFO1Info.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, March 29), First responder stress: Mental health at the extremes. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, March 6). Why our heart rate spikes when we’re stressed. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023). Außerhalb der forensischen Box: Augenzeugenpsychologie und Wissenschaft. Invited translation published in in the pan-European skeptical/science site Ufo1Info.
Sharps, M.J. (2023). Psychologie und die Flying Saucer People. Invited translation published in the pan-European skeptical/science site Ufo1Info.
Sharps, M.J., McCaw, H., Hill, C., & Price-Sharps, J.L. (2023). The context of officer involved shootings: Violent history and language use in public judgments of an OIS. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology: Online, May 2, 2023.
Sharps, M.J., Nagra, S.K., Paulsen, A., Moreno, J., Mortensen, S., Folmer, T., & Price- Sharps, J.L. (2023). Ecocognition: Observation and interpretation in the understanding of climate change. Skeptical Inquirer 47 (1), 46-49.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, Feb. 13). Protecting the innocent III: Lineups good and bad. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Lyons, M., Carter, Z., McCaw, H., Jones, C., Botwin. M., Price-Sharps, J., & Sharps, M. (2023). The context of officer-involved shootings: Suspect weapon factors in public judgment of an OIS. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology: Online, January 7, 2023.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, Jan. 16) Protecting the innocent II: The cognitive concept of guilt. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2023, Dec. 19). Protecting the innocent I: Eyewitness identification. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2022). Thinking under pressure: A guide for firefighters and the fire service. Amazon.
Sharps, M.J. (2022). Wie wir einen Augenzeugenbreicht uber ein UFO am besten hinterfragen konnen. Invited translation published in in the pan-European skeptical/science site Ufo1Info.
Sharps, M.J. (2022, May 6). How we process under pressure: The loud sounds of silence. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2022, April 8). How we process under pressure: Thinking to lose. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2022). Bigfoot und Marsmenschen und Geister, Oh Weh! Translation published in in the pan-European skeptical/science site Ufo1Info.
Sharps, M.J. (2022, March 11). How we process under pressure: On not being a superhero. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2022). Songs of the spadefoot toad: Myth, history, and biocognitive perspectives in mental health. The Next Truth, 4 (4), 9-34.
Sharps, M.J. (2022, February 11). How we process under pressure: Tunnel vision. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2022, January 14). How we process under pressure: Stress and automatic behavior. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J., Nagra, S.K., Paulsen, A., Mortensen, S., Moreno, J., & Price-Sharps, J.L. (2022). Martian dreams: Unusual experiences and perspectives on space and aliens. Skeptical Inquirer, 46 (2), 50-54.
Sharps, M.J. (2022). Processing under pressure: Stress, memory, and decision-making in law enforcement. (3rd ed.). Park City, Utah: Blue 360 Media.
Sharps, M.J. (2022). Eyewitness memory and forensic cognitive science. In Bartol , C.R., & Bartol, A.M., Introduction to forensic psychology (6th ed., 60-61). Los Angeles: Sage.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, December 17). How we process under pressure: Stress, perception, and cognition. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, November 19). Outside the forensic box: Science, language, and thought. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, October 22). Outside the forensic box: Eyewitness psychology and science. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021). Cognitive dissonance, Quetzalcoatl, and the flying saucer people. The Next Truth,, 46-51.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, September 24). Processing under pressure 3.0 The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021). Science, perception, and belief: The strange case of Percival Lowell. The Next Truth, 3(9), 26-30.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, August 27). How we might best challenge an eyewitness account of a UFO. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, July 30). Memory and the aging eyewitness. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, July 8). Aging eyewitnesses, perception, and criminal justice. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, June 11). Adolescents, dangerous behavior, and the criminal justice system. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021, May 14). Adolescents and the criminal justice system. The Forensic View, invited blog from Psychology Today.
Sharps, M.J. (2021). Understanding the child eyewitness III. Psychology Today, The Forensic View.
Sharps, M.J. (2021). Understanding the child eyewitness II. Invited Blog, Psychology Today, The Forensic View. Also selected by Psychology Today for Essential Topics and Essential Home postings. (Reprinted in The Next Truth magazine, May, 2021.)
Sharps, M.J. (2021). Understanding the child eyewitness. Invited Blog, Psychology Today, The Forensic View. Also selected by Psychology Today for Essential Topics and Essential Home postings.
Sharps, M.J. (2021). Finding the bad guy’s car. Invited Blog, Psychology Today, The Forensic View,
Sharps, M.J. (2020). Murderer’s ride. Invited Blog, Psychology Today, The Forensic View.
Sharps, M.J., Nagra, S., Hurd, S., & Humphrey, A. (2020). Magic in the house of rain: Cognitive bases of UFO ‘observations’ in the Southwest desert. Skeptical Inquirer, 44, 46-49.
Sharps, M.J. (2020). Cults and cognition: Programming the true believer I-III (three separate posts. Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View. Also selected by Psychology Today for Essential Topics and Essential Home postings.
Sharps, M.J. (2020). Eyewitness imagination: How our minds change our memories. Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View., Also selected by Psychology Today for Essential Topics and Essential Home postings.
Sharps, M.J. (2020). Eyewitness testimony, eyewitness mistakes: What we get wrong. Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View.
Sharps, M.J. (2020). Into the shadows: The psychology of the undercover world.
Psychology Today Invited Blog The Forensic View. Also selected by Psychology Today for Essential Topics and Essential Home postings.
Sharps, M.J. (2020). PTSD: Is it real? Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View.
Sharps, M.J. (2020). Eyewitness cognition at Little Bighorn: A study in stress. Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View.
Sharps, M.J. (2020). Bigfoot and Martians and Ghosts, Oh My! Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View (Reprinted in The Next Truth magazine, December, 2020).
Sharps, M.J. (2020). Eyewitness to the aliens: forensic psychology on Mars. Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View. Also selected by Psychology Today for Essential Topics and Essential Home postings.
Sharps, M.J. (2020). Into the red zone and over the edge: Your brain, your mind, and violent stress. Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View.
Sharps, M.J. (2020). You may question the witness- and you probably should. Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View, Also selected by Psychology Today for Essential Topics and Essential Home postings.
Sharps, M.J. (2020). The ancient world and the murderer’s eyes. Psychology Today, Invited Blog The Forensic View, Also selected by Psychology Today for Essential Topics and Essential Home postings.
Sharps, M.J., Hurd, S., Hoshiko, B., Wilson, E., Flemming, M.A., Nagra, S., & Garcia, M. (2019). Percival Lowell and the canals of Mars II: How to see things that aren’t there. Skeptical Inquirer, 43, 48-51.
Sharps, M.J., & Herrera, M.R. (2019). The eyes really do have it: Attribution of character in the eyes of killers. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 34, 105-108. (2018, Online First, 11896-018-9271-3.)
Sharps, M.J., Torkelson, J.F., Hulett, D.L., Kuhn, M.L., & Sevillano, C.N. (2019). Police profanity and public judgments of guilt and effectiveness in officer-involved shootings. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 34, 87-90 (2018, Online First,
Liao, S.W., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Sharps, M.J. (2018). Shoot/no-shoot decisions: Dissociation, judgment, and assailant/weapon characteristics. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 33, 209-214.
Sharps, M.J., Herrera, M.R., Hulett, D.L., & Briley, A. (2018). Shoot/no-shoot decisions in the context of IED-detection training and eyewitness memory for persons. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 33, 327-331.
Sharps, M.J. (2018). Percival Lowell and the Canals of Mars. Skeptical Inquirer, 42, May/June, 41-46.
Kowalczyk, D., & Sharps, M.J. (2017). Consequences of undercover operations in law enforcement: A review of challenges and best practices. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 32, 197-202. DOI: 10.1007/s11896-016-9211-z.
Sharps, M.J. (2017). Processing under pressure: Stress, memory, and decision-making in law enforcement. (2nd ed.). Flushing, NY: Looseleaf Law.
Sharps, M.J. Liao, S.W., and Herrera, M.R. (2016). Dissociation and paranormal beliefs: Toward a taxonomy of belief in the unreal. Skeptical Inquirer, 40, May/June, 40-44.
Sharps, M.J., McRae, K., Partovi, M, Power, J., & Newton, A. (2016). Eyewitness memory for firearms: Narrative accounts and specific questioning in the elucidation of accurate information. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 31, 288-294. (DOI 10.1007/s11896-015-9184-3).
McRae, K., Sharps, M.J., & Kimura, N. (2015). Error and accuracy in memory for firearms. Forensic Examiner, 24, 1-6.
Herrera, M.R., Sharps, M.J., Swinney, H.R., & Lam, J. (2015). Deadly force or not? Visual and cognitive interpretation of rifles and BB guns in crime-scene context. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 30, 254-260. (DOI 10.1007/s11896-014-9158-x).
Sharps, M.J., Liao, S.W., & Herrera, M.R. (2014). Remembrance of apocalypse past: The psychology of true believers when nothing happens. Skeptical Inquirer, 38, November/December, 54-58.
Sharps, M.J., Herrera, M.G., & Lodeesen, A.L. (2014). SMOKE: Effective cognitive and field training for IED detection. Inside Homeland Security, 2, 9 pgs., 2014/ihs_articles_5 pgs. (Simultaneously published online in Forensic Examiner, 23, 7 pgs).
Sharps, M.J. (2014). UFO’s and cognitive science: A case study. Skeptical Inquirer, 38, May/June, 52-55.
Sharps, M.J. (2013). Graphic representation of Gestalt/Feature Intensive Processing theory as applied to cognition under conditions of high stress. Invited contribution to Lipshy, K.A., Crisis management leadership in the operating room (pg. 169). San Diego: Creative Publishing.
McRae, K. Sharps, M.J., Power, J., & Newton, A. (2013). Eyewitness memory for typical and atypical weapons in cognitive context. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 10, DOI: 10.1002/jip. 1410
Sharps, M.J., Herrera, M.R., & Price-Sharps, J.L. (2013). Situationally equivocal eyewitness evidence and the violence of crimes. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 10, DOI: 10.1002/jip.1398
Sharps, M.J., Liao, S.W., & Herrera, M.R. (2013). It’s the end of the world, and they don’t feel fine: The psychology of December 21, 2012. Skeptical Inquirer, 37, January/February, 34-39.
Sharps, M.J. (2012). The mental edge: Effective cognitive processing in law enforcement. The Police Chief, 79, 100-105.
Sharps, M.J., Herrera, M.R, Dunn, L. & Alcala, E. (2012). Repetition and Reconfiguration: Demand-Based Confabulation in Initial Eyewitness Memory. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 9, 149-160.
Sharps, M.J. (2012). Eyewitness to the paranormal: The experimental psychology of the “unexplained.” Skeptical Inquirer, 36, July/August, 39-43.
Sharps, M.J. (2010). Processing under pressure: Stress, memory, and decision in law enforcement. Flushing, NY: Looseleaf Law.
Sharps, M.J., & Hess, A.B. (2010). Ecocognition: Decision and understanding in environmental context. ReVision, 31, 85-89.
Sharps, M.J., Newborg, E., Van Arsdall, S., DeRuiter, J., Hayward, B., & Alcantar, B. (2010). Paranormal encounters as eyewitness phenomena: Psychological determinants of atypical perceptual interpretations. Current Psychology, 29, 320-327.
Sharps, M.J., Newborg, E., Glaser, M., Hayward, B., & Scholl, M. (2010). Finding IED’s before they find you: The SMOKE system of training for hazardous device detection. Forensic Examiner, 19, 48-59.
Sharps, M.J., Janigian, J., Hess, A.B., & Hayward, B. (2009). Eyewitness Memory in Context: Toward a Taxonomy of Eyewitness Error. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 24, 36-44.
Sharps, M.J., & Hess, A.B. (2008). To shoot or not to shoot: Response and interpretation of response to armed assailants. Forensic Examiner,17, 53-64.
Sharps, M.J., Hess, A., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Teh, J. (2008). Heuristic and algorithmic processing in English, math, and science education. Journal of Psychology, 142, 71-88.
Concannon, D., Fain, B., Fain, D, Honeycutt, A., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Sharps, M.J. (2008). Kidnapping. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Sharps, M.J., Hess, A.B., Casner, H., Ranes, B., & Jones, J. (2007). Eyewitness memory in context: Toward a systematic understanding of eyewitness evidence. Forensic Examiner, 16, 20-27.
Sharps, M.J., Hess, A.B., & Ranes, B. (2007). “Mindless” decision-making and environmental issues: Gestalt/feature-intensive processing and contextual reasoning in environmental decisions. Journal of Psychology, 141, 525-538.
Hart, J.L., O’Toole, S., Sharps, M.J., & Shaffer, T.W. (2007). The risk and protective factors of violent juvenile offending. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 5, 367-384.
Sharps, M.J., Matthews, J., & Asten, J. (2006). Cognition, Affect, and Beliefs in Paranormal Phenomena: Gestalt/Feature Intensive Processing Theory and Tendencies toward ADHD, Depression, and Dissociation. Journal of Psychology, 140, 579-590.
Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., Day, S.S., Nunes, M.A., Villegas, A.B., & Mitchell, S. (2005). Cognition at risk: Gestalt/feature-intensive processing, attention deficit, and substance abuse. Current Psychology, 23, 91-101.
Sharps, M.J., Villegas, A.B., & Matthews, J. (2005). Cognition at risk: Gestalt/feature-intensive processing and cigarette smoking in college students. Current Psychology, 23. 102-112.
Villegas, A.B., Sharps, M.J., & Satterwaite, B., & Chisholm, S. (2005). Eyewitness identification of vehicles. Forensic Examiner, 14, 24-28.
Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., Day, S.S., Villegas, A.B., & Nunes, M.A. (2005). Cognitive predisposition to substance abuse in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Addictive Behaviors, 30, 355-359.
Sharps, M.J., Martin, S.S., Nunes, M.A., Neff, A., & Woo, E. (2004). Relational and imageric recall in young and older adults under conditions of high task demand. Current Psychology, 22, 379-393 .
Sharps, M.J., Barber, T.L., Stahl, H., & Villegas, A.B. (2003). Eyewitness memory for weapons. Forensic Examiner, 12, 34-37.
Sharps, M.J. (2003). Aging, representation, and thought: Gestalt and feature-intensive processing. Routledge, an imprint of Taylor and Francis.
Woo, E., & Sharps, M.J. (2003). Cognitive aging and physical exercise. Educational Gerontology, 29, 327-338.
Sharps, M.J., Villegas, A.B., Nunes, M.A., & Barber, T.L. (2002). Memory for animal tracks: A possible cognitive artifact of human evolution. Journal of Psychology, 136, 469-492.
Sharps. M.J., & Martin, S.S. (2002). “Mindless” decision making as a failure of contextual reasoning. Journal of Psychology 136, 272-282.
Ahlberg, S., & Sharps, M.J. (2002). Bartlett revisited: Reconfiguration of long-term memory in young and older adults. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 163, 211-218.
Sharps, M.J., & Nunes, M.A. (2002). Gestalt and feature-intensive processing: Toward a unified theory of human information processing. Current Psychology, 21, 68-84.
Sharps, M.J., Price-Sharps, J.L., & Hanson, J. (2001). Body image preference in the United States and Thailand. Journal of Psychology, 135, 518-526..
Sharps, M.J., & Wertheimer, M. (2000). Gestalt perspectives on cognitive science and experimental psychology. Review of General Psychology, 4, 315-336.
Sharps, M.J. Foster, B.T., Martin, S.S., & Nunes, M.A. (1999). Spatial and relational frameworks for free recall in young and older adults. Current Psychology 18, 241-253.
Sharps, M.J., Martin, S.S., Nunes, M.A., & Merrill, M. (1999). Relational frameworks for recall in young and older adults. Current Psychology 18, 254-271.
Sharps, M.J., Price, J.L., & Hanson, J. (1998). Attitudes of young adults toward older adults: Evidence from the United States and Thailand. Educational Gerontology, 24, 655-660.
Sharps, M.J., & Pollitt, B.K. (1998). Auditory imagery and the category superiority effect. Journal of General Psychology, 125, 109-116.
Sharps, M.J., & Martin, S.S. (1998). Spatial memory in young and older adults. Environmental support and contextual influences at encoding and retrieval. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 159, 5-12 .
Sharps, M.J. (1997). Age-related change in visual information processing: Toward a unified theory of aging and visual memory. Current Psychology 16, 284-307.
Sharps, M.J., & Antonelli, J.R. (1997). Visual and semantic support for paired-associates recall in young and older adults. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 158, 347-355.
Sharps, M.J. (1997). Category superiority effects in young and elderly adults. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 158, 165-171.
Sharps, M.J., & Price-Sharps, J.L. (1996). Visual memory support: An effective mnemonic device for older adults. The Gerontologist, 36, 706-708, .
Sharps, M.J., Price, J.L., & Bence, V.M. (1996). Visual and auditory information as determinants of primacy effects. Journal of General Psychology, 123, 123-136.
Sharps, M.J., Wilson-Leff, C.A., & Price, J.L. (1995). Relational and item-specific information as determinants of category superiority effects. Journal of General Psychology, 122, 271-285.
Sharps, M.J., Price, J.L., & Williams, J. (1994). Spatial cognition and gender: Instructional influences on mental image rotation performance. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 18, 413-425.
Sharps, M.J. (1993). Gestalt laws of perceptual and cognitive organization. Magill’s Survey of Social Science: Psychology. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.
Sharps, M.J. (1993). Developmental theory. Magill’s Survey of Social Science: Psychology. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.
Sharps, M.J., Welton, A., & Price, J.L. (1993). Gender and task in the determination of spatial cognitive performance. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 17, 71-83.
Sharps, M.J., & Tindall, M.H. (1992). Relational and item-specific information in the determination of “blocking effects.” Memory and Cognition, 20, 183-191.
Sharps, M.J., & Price, J.L. (1992). Auditory imagery and free recall. Journal of General Psychology,119, 81-87.
Sharps, M.J. (1992). Facilitation of taxonomic recall in preschool children. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 30, 137-139.
Sharps, M.J. (1991). Spatial memory in young and elderly adults: Category structure of stimulus sets. Psychology and Aging, 6, 309-312.
Sharps, M.J. (1990). A developmental approach to visual cognition in the elderly. In T. Hess (Ed.), Aging and cognition: Knowledge organization and utilization (pp. 297-341). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. (1988). Aging and free recall for objects located in space. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 43, P8-P11.
Gollin, E.S., & Sharps, M.J. (1988). Facilitation of categorical blocking depends on stimulus type. Memory and Cognition, 16, 539-544.
Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. (1988). “Sex differences” in spatial abilities depend on stimulus type. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 297 008.
Gollin, E.S., & Sharps, M.J. (1988). The encoding and retrieval of object locations by young and elderly adults. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 296 214.
Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. (1987). Speed and accuracy of mental image rotation in young and elderly adults. Journal of Gerontology, 42, 342-344.
Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. (1987). Memory for object locations in young and elderly adults. Journal of Gerontology, 42, 336-341.
Gollin, E.S., & Sharps, M.J. (1987). Visual perspective-taking in young children: Reduction of egocentric errors by induction of strategy. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 25, 435-437.
Wertheimer, M., Brodie, J., Fendrich, D., Mannes, S., Okuda, C., Sharps, M., & Weisberg, J. (1986). Psychology: Social science, natural science, and profession. In Wronski, S.P., & Bragaw, D.H. (Eds.), Social studies and social sciences (pp. 165-178). Washington, D.C.: National Council for the Social Studies.
Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. (1986). Methods of evaluating performance on spatial memory tasks. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 24, 18-20.
Sharps, M.J., & Gollin, E.S. (1985). Memory and the syntagmatic-paradigmatic shift: A developmental study of priming effects. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 23, 95-97.
Carr, J., Maxion, R., Sharps, M.J., Weiss, D., O’Connell, B., & Chiszar, D. (1982). Predatory behavior in a congenitally alingual Russell’s viper (Vipera russelli). 1. Strike induced chemosensory behavior. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society, 18, 196-204.